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Sunrise Readers Books 6 – 10 “Do This” Answer Guides
From Sunrise Readers Book 6 onwards, most stories are followed by an ability-appropriate exercise called “Do this.” These are introduced gradually in Sunrise Readers Book 4, “Story Time”, and Book 5 “We Come and Go.” The new Sunrise Readers Books 1-5 feature fun phonics practice and activity pages to engage the children in verbal discussions…

Sunrise Readers Books One, Two & Three – Phonics Games
Phonics Game with Sunrise Readers vc and cvc words. These games give practice in sounding out and building simple vc (vowel/consonant) and cvc (consonant/vowel/consonant) words. It is presumed that learners will have been introduced to the following letter sounds by the time they are reading Sunrise Readers Book Three – Home and School. (Please note,…

Sunrise Readers Book Two – Work and Play – Word and Sentence Dice Games
“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning.” Diane Ackerman. We, the Sunrise Readers authors, know from over thirty years of teaching experience that this is true. PLUS – we love learning through play ourselves! We want our young learners to enjoy learning and practising their recognition of words and letter-sounds. Here is another game…

Sunrise Readers Book Two Work and Play Word Matching Games
Matching: These resources can be used as a simple exercise to practise and reinforce vocabulary. Download and print the pictures and words (black and white is fine if costs are limited). Learners cut out the words. Working as individuals or pairs or groups, they cover the pictures with the correct word. NEXT DAY: They then…

Sunrise Readers Book 2 – Work and Play Read, Write Cut and Match
The following free downloadable exercises provide children with the opportunity to practise and consolidate their reading, writing and fine motor skills. Print on A4 paper. These activities can be done once the learners have been taught to recognise and repeat the words in the Word List on the back cover in preparation for reading Sunrise…

Sunrise Readers Book Two – Work and Play – Word Games
When all of the sight words for Sunrise Readers Book 2 Work and Play have been introduced to the learners, these games give enjoyment while practising and reinforcing the words. Some of the games suggested below can be played once the learners have been introduced to 4 – 6 words, using those words only. These…

Sunrise Readers Book 1 – Friends – More Word Games – Go Fishing!
All learners learn best when they are having fun! That’s especially true for young learners. Here is yet another game for teachers and parents to use when teaching sight words. These free downloadable resources apply to the Sunrise Readers Book 1 Friends vocabulary/ word list – but there are blank templates included that may be…

Phonics – Blend Ladders
How to use the phonics blend ladders Initially, children learn to recognise and say the names of the letters of the alphabet. (Ay, Bee, Cee) More importantly, they learn to associate the visual shape of the letters with the sounds those letters represent. (/a/ in apple – say it with its clue word because /a/…

Sunrise Readers Book 1 – Friends – more games to play!
Reading games are invaluable! They make the hard work of learning to read FUN, and draw young learners into reading almost unaware that they are working. Play is a natural and crucial part of child development, so the Sunrise Readers authors encourage teachers and parents to play reading games with their learners. Mary Poppins was…