Sunrise Readers Books One, Two & Three – Phonics Games
Phonics Game with Sunrise Readers vc and cvc words.

These games give practice in sounding out and building simple vc (vowel/consonant) and cvc (consonant/vowel/consonant) words.
It is presumed that learners will have been introduced to the following letter sounds by the time they are reading Sunrise Readers Book Three – Home and School. (Please note, teachers do not usually follow the alphabet when introducing letter sounds. The most commonly used consonants are introduced first. With the Sunrise Readers, we introduce x sooner than other schemes – Rex box.
Vowels: a e i o u |
Consonants: s t p n r c m d b g w y x |
Print and laminate the following:
- The Word Card
- Game One: First Letters
- Game Two: Last Letters
- Game Three: Middle Letters
Game One – Recognising the first letter in a word.

- This game can be played as individuals, in pairs or in groups of up to four.
Each group is given:
i. The A4 word card (containing Sunrise Readers vc and cvc words.)
ii. A set of first letters, cut out and spread out in an orderly way.
Learners take it in turns (working from the top row, left ➔ right) to …
- Point at the word. Read it aloud, sounding it out. u-p = up.
- The group reads the word aloud. “up”.
- The learner points at the first letter in the word and reads it aloud. “u”.
- The learner finds the first letter of that word from the letter cards.
- Reads the sound of that letter.
- Places that letter on top of the word.
- The next player does the same until the word card is complete.
Teachers/ Parents: If individuals are playing, you can make the game shorter by covering the word card with other card, leaving only the desired amount of words visible.
Game Two: Recognising the last letter in a word.

As for Game One above, but
Each group is given:
i. The A4 word card (containing Sunrise Readers vc and cvc words.)
ii. A set of last letters, cut out and spread out in an orderly way.
- Point at the word. Read it aloud, sounding it out. u-p = up.
- The group reads the word aloud. “up”.
- The learner points at the last letter in the word and reads it aloud. “p”.
- And so on, as for Game One.
Game Three – Building the words

Use the Game One – first letters, the Game Two – last letter and the Game Three middle letters, all laminated and cut out.
This will take the learners longer, so they should be given less words to work with. Use card to cover sections of the word card sheet, leaving only 5 – 8 words for the group to work with in one session (see photo supplied.)

- The first learner points at the word and reads it aloud.
- He/ she finds the letters and builds that word: u p ➔ up.
- The letters are then replaced so that they can be used again, and a counter is placed on the word.