Sunrise Readers Book Two Work and Play Word Matching Games

- These resources can be used as a simple exercise to practise and reinforce vocabulary.
- Download and print the pictures and words (black and white is fine if costs are limited).
- Learners cut out the words. Working as individuals or pairs or groups, they cover the pictures with the correct word.
- NEXT DAY: They then cut out the pictures, and paste these in an exercise book or on paper.
- They paste the correct word beside the correct picture.
To use as a matching game:
- Download and print the pictures (in colour) and word A4 sheets on card. Laminate. Cut out the word flashcards.
- Lay out the word cards face up.
- As individuals, in pairs, or groups of up to four, learners take turns to match the word to the relevant picture.
- To vary the game, the teacher/ parent may hold up a large classroom flashcard (from the Book Two Wordlist set) and ask the class to read the word on the flashcard. They then check to see if they have it on the picture card. If they do, they place the relevant word card on the correct picture.
- (iv) above can be played using other words from the Book Two medium or small flashcard sets (see free downloadable PDFs below).
Memory Game.
Children can work as individuals, pairs or in groups up to four players:
- Laminate both pages and cut out the cards.
- All of the cards are jumbled up and placed face down.
- Learners take it in turns to lift two cards at a time.
- If they match the word with the picture, they keep that pair. If not, they replace the card in the same place, face down.
- The child with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.
- The game can also be played in pairs as “Snap”. Use 1 set of pictures and 1 set of words.
- Shuffle the cards (words and pictures together) and deal each child 8 cards.
- They do not look at the cards (keep them face down) but turn them up one at a time.
- If there is a match, the first to shout ‘SNAP’ takes the pair.
(You can use a different word if you prefer – like SAME!)
Think of your own ideas for activities and games using these simple resources.