Sunrise Readers Book Three – Home and School – Stars and Rockets Games
These simple word-recognition games provide young learners with the variety that makes learning sight-words fun!
To do in advance:
- Print the free printable pdf rocket and star template words. (Click the link at the end.)
- Laminate the pages for multiple use.
- Cut out the rocket and star-shaped flashcards.
- Draw/ Paint a large moon and display it on the wall within reach of the learners.

Ways to play the rocket word game:
Game One: Simple Word Recognition – Rockets:
Play this game as individuals, in pairs or in groups of 3 – 6. OR – the whole class can play it!

Teacher/Parent displays the moon on the wall, at a level the learners can reach.
Place the rocket flashcards face (word-side) down.
- Each player chooses any rocket, picks it up and reads the word aloud.
- He/she then shows the word to the group/ class.
- They read the word aloud.
- If the player is correct, he/she may stick the word rocket to the wall on its way up to the moon.
This will create an attractive wall display.
To extend the learners further – after the game has been played a few times, the learner may be asked to make up a short sentence using the word he/she has picked up.
Game Two: Word Recognition/ Matching with words with capital letters

Play this over two days: Day One: Capital letters – Stars
As for Game One, but using the star flashcards. Now the children are recognising the same words, but the first letter in each word is a capital letter. Encourage learners to space the stars out around the moon – on Day Two you will need space to stick a rocket flashcard pointing towards the appropriate star.
Day Two – Matching the lowercase rocket words with the stars.

Play this in the same way – but this time, once the learner has picked up his/her rocket flashcard and read the word aloud, he/ she will find the matching word on the display around the moon.
Free Downloadable PDFs for the Rocket and Star Word Cards:
Credit goes to Twinkl – and Educational Resource Company – for the use of their templates. Please note – the Rocket Star Game resources are not to be sold for commercial value. They are free downloadable resources created for you by the Sunrise authors – our passion is literacy for the next generation, to empower them to read! Our goal is to support teachers and parents. All of our resources are free.
Where in South Africa may i order sunrise readers in bulk ? is my email address.
Hi Wonder. Where are you located in South Africa? Pearson South Africa is marketing the books in each province via their sales reps. I can give you the contact details for these. If you are in Cape Town, you can order them direct from the Publisher. Let me know. Best regards. Vivian Jenkins
hello i am in Mussina and not sure how to get them or collect from Mussina about ten kilometres from Beitbridge border. Is there a way they can be couriered to Mussina. I wanted plus minus ten sets of books 1-10.
Hi again, Wonder
Compliments of the season to you!
I apologise for the delay in this response.
Please contact the PEARSON SOUTH AFRICA Sales Rep in your area.
He will know how to get them to you asap.
LIMPOPO Key Account Manager
Godfrey Maphutha
Cell: 079 276 0744
Very best regards
Vivian Jenkins